The Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) provide services to Northern Ireland's fishermen, including quota management, marketing and representation to members based in Annalong, Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie.


ANIFPO Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Organisation Northern Ireland Fishermen
About the ANIFPO Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Organisation Northern Ireland
About us
ANIFPO Product Information
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Quota management
Quota management
ANIFPO Fish Sales
Fish sales
ANIFPO Services
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Contact ANIFPO Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Organisation Northern Ireland
Contact us

Welcome to the Anglo North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation - ANIFPO

The Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) provide a range of services to Northern Ireland's fishermen ever since. Our specialty is in the area of quota management and representation (and increasingly marketing) for our fishermen. Our members are based in Annalong, Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie, the main fishing harbours along the County Down coast in Northern Ireland. Our organisation is located at Kilkeel.

ANIFPO was founded in 1984, as a non-profit making co-operative. Initially, the ANIFPO was based in England, hence the inclusion of “Anglo” in its title, but since most of its member fishing vessels were from Northern Ireland, the base was soon moved across the Irish Sea.

Today, our fishermen own vessels ranging in size from over 70 metres to under 10 metres in length. They fish in waters all around the UK and Ireland, using a variety of fishing methods such as trawling and Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO)crab/lobster potting, to target a wide range of species. The most important catch for the majority of our vessels is Nephrops or Dublin Bay Prawns, which are landed on a daily basis into local ports.

The ANIFPO is committed to promoting sustainable fishing methods and is involved in a variety of projects including the Sea Fish Industry Authority’s Responsible Fishing Scheme.

Our Aims

  • To manage fish quotas with our members in order to maximise sustainable fishing opportunities.
  • To increase the value of our members catches through our fish selling division and by promoting improved quality control procedures by our members.
  • To represent the views and opinions of our members at local, national and European level on a wide range of issues.

As they work with nature on a daily basis, the members of the ANIFPO are committed to the protection of the environment they work in. To this end they are actively pursuing a variety of initiatives ranging from the use of more selective fishing gear to the use of re-cyclicable fish boxes.

Building Sustainable Prosperity

The Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) provide services to Northern Ireland's fishermen, including quota management, marketing and representation to members based in Annalong, Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie.
The Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) provide services to Northern Ireland's fishermen, including quota management, marketing and representation to members based in Annalong, Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie.
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